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Exceptional Paintings INC is Trusted Painting Company which offers high quality painting services to commercial business and residential homes of Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Richmond, Coquitlam. Our painting experts have years of experience with providing our regular customers with high-level services.Our company wants you to be joyful in your repainted flat or house.

Contact Us

Residential Interior Painting

Exceptional Paintings INC has talented professionals so there is no wonder why our customers are always satisfied with our job. Residential interior painting can really change the dynamics of a room or even it can create an impression that the design was improved. Team of Exceptional Paintings INC services begin the process after the consultation and arrangements are finalised. Steps could include the following, but are not limited to:



Paint Preparation


Painting Application

Walk through & Painting Inspection

Also Exceptional Paintings INC services has you covered with our talented experts delivering our Residential Exterior Painting Service, Faux Finish Service, Kitchen & Bathroom Cabinet Painting, Staining & Refinishing Designs & Offering you to look at Our Portfolio

Commercial Interior Painting

Exceptional Paintings INC’s interior painting service is executed in a like manner as our residential service. By knowing a business aspiration to appeal to customers, we ensure our job is completed quickly and efficiently to avoid hindering with your daily routines.